- live radio (classical music). Best classical radio stations on line.
What data do we collect?
- Name and email address only if you fill out the contact form on our website.

How do we collect your data?
We collect most data directly from you when:

- Voluntarily fill out the contact form or provide feedback via email.
- Use or view our website through the cookies of your browser.

How will we use your data?

- We do not use the data for marketing purposes.
- We use them exclusively to respond to your suggestion, comment or question.

How do we store your data?
- We store your data on a secure hosting environment.
- We keep the data until consent is revoked, after which they are deleted.

We do not use the data for marketing purposes.

Your rights in data protection
Each user has the following rights:

- The right to access data.
- The right to correct data.
- The right to delete data under certain conditions.
- The right to restrict data processing.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us via the contact form.

Cookies are used to collect information about your internet browsing.

How do we use cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device via an Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.). Cookies do not contain any personal information about you and cannot be used to identify an individual user. There are two types of cookies, regular and session cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device for a long time. On the other hand, temporary cookies are deleted as soon as you close your internet browser. Cookies can be easily removed from computers or mobile devices. Instructions for using cookies and removing them can be found under the "Help" option in your internet browser. You can also block all cookies. If you choose to block cookies, not all site functions will work as intended.

Cookies from third-party sites
We use Google Analytics to collect anonymous statistical information on our pages. Google Analytics and Google Adsense (our advertisers) use cookies. For more information see this link. Our website uses a social network plugin Facebook ( which also uses cookies. For more information on Facebook's privacy policy, see this link.

What types of cookies do we use?
We use cookies for functionality, advertising and the collection of anonymous statistical information.

How to manage cookies?
You can set your browser not to accept cookies, but this may affect the functionality of our website.

Privacy Policy of Other Websites
Our privacy policy only applies to our website, so we recommend that you check the privacy policies of other websites you visit through our links.

Copyright and ownership
All logos, web addresses and redirected url streams to radio stations remain the property of their respective radio broadcasters. If any of the radio stations do not agree with the way in which it was placed on our site, please contact us to adjust or remove the radio stations logo / stream url form our website. is a website that does not stream music. We accept no responsibility for the content and quality of the transmitted streams.

Changes to the privacy policy
The Privacy Policy may be updated and any changes will be posted on this page. Last updated 12-27-2023.

For any questions about the privacy policy, the data we store about you or exercising your rights regarding data protection, please contact us via the contact form.